Package details
Pyjama is a unofficial Python/GTK Medialibrary for Jamendo. It
enables you, to browse, search and listen to thousands of albums
and artists legally. Pyjama is absolute free, licensed under
Following features Pyjama already implements:
* querying Jamendo online
* querying local Jamendo database dumps
* caching Jamendo's data depending on how often it might change
* browsing albums by rating (ever/week/month), listened, downloaded,
starred, playlistet and date
* browsing albums by their tag in combination with rating...
* pagination
* showing album and artist informations
* showing all tracks of an album and all tracks of an artist
* sorting these tracks
* adding albums and single tracks to playlist
* playing these playlisted tracks
* skipping, stopping, pausing, clearing playlist and removing single items
* cover- view for current playing track (or track under mousepointer)
* support for gtk themes
* searching local database for albums, artists and tracks
* simple plugin system
This package has no releases.